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What are skin booster? What does skinbooster do to our skin? Most of the girls apply mask daily, yet along with expensive creams for their daily skincare routine, however there is one more secret behind the scene, and I promise this one is worthwhile. Behold – the booster. When we see Korean drama actress on TV, why are their skin soft like tofu, silky skin that looks extremely smooth, with even skin tone in perfection. What are their secrets?
korean actress skin care4th generation of skin booster with whitening, anti-wrinkles and long lasting moisture effect
5 syringes in a box, 3cc each syringe
Used before your serum, boosters are all about strengthening the barrier that sits on skin’s surface. Glamour skinbooster treatments create luminous skin in a natural way by gently and naturally smoothening the skin from the inside. It works by increasing the hydration within the skin to provide lasting moisture and improve the skin’s surface.
Thanks to the patented Mesh Cross-linking Technology, Glamour skinbooster achieved in creating a skin booster HA injection of 4 stage cross-link through creation of microbeads. This allows for a long-lasting skin booster to stay within’ the Dermis.
whitening skin booster
The four types of skin booster on the market nowdays:
1 Non Cross linking HA
This kind of HA usually use to inject in joint to smooth cartilage, doesn’t last.
joint filler
2 Cross linked HA
Cross linked HA came with single cross linked technology, but is very thick so its hard to inject from a 31G 9 point needle from the injection machine.
single cross linked skin booster
3 Double Cross linked HA
Double Cross linked HA skin booster effect twice higher than Cross linked HA, but the cost is very high.
Glamour’s Mesh Cross linking linked like a mesh in between hyaluronic acid, applies micro-beads with increase longevity.
Adding gluthione for whitening, and adding peptide for anti-wrinkle effects, with all these elements, Glamour Skin Booster is unique on the market, this is the latest technology in the Korean skin booster market, without mixing injection all together like the old times, one Glamour syringe could be enough.
Mesh Cross linked hyaluronic acid filler
感铭水光注针感铭水光针,唯一不需要配药的水光网状铰链技术Glamour Skin BoosterSkin Booster Glamour HA injection
Most of the people who has tried Glamour skin booster are all surprised by the amazing result!
感铭水光Glamour skin booster 感铭水光Skinbooster before & after
Skin boosters treatments create luminous skin in a natural way by gently and naturally smoothening the skin from the inside. It works by increasing the hydration within the skin to provide lasting moisture and improve the skin’s surface. The 4th generation of skin booster Glamour (GamMyeong감명, based on NMC (Nano Mesh Cross-linking) technology for its Hyaluronic Acid, which is different than the old single cross linked technology, it could last much longer than any other no cross linked HA injection or single cross linked injection, by adding Glutathione and Adenylate to achieve “moisture, whitening & anti-wrinkle” effect.
4th generation of skin booster with whitening, anti-wrinkles and long lasting moisture effect
Each treatment involves a series of hydrating microinjections of long-lasting hyaluronic acid, also called stabilised HA, a water-loving substance found naturally in the body that maintains hydration in the skin.
Stabilised HA is a soft, gel-like substance that absorbs water and brings deep skin hydration to the treated areas, giving it improved firmness, elasticity and smoothness. Glutathione will swop up the oxidative damaged cells (which cause skin to darken) and lighten your skin naturally, safely, evenly in a healthy manner. Adenylate helps the regeneration of skin and tissue, reduce wrinkles.
whitening, anti-wrinkles skin booster
What you and everyone else will see is a wonderful and radiant skin.
glamour skinboosters treatment before afterglamour skinboosters treatment review
Over time, the quality of your skin changes – collagen and elastic fibers disintegrate, and the spread and function of the body’s own hyaluronic acid change, making your skin drier, rougher and less elastic.
Glamour Skin boosters treatments can be used to improve the general skin quality of your face but also to improve exposed and sensitive areas such as your neck, décolletage and hands as well as areas with acne-scarred skin. Capture time, reduce wrinkles and even your skin tone.
A typical treatment program with Glamour Skinboosters is made up of three initial treatment sessions with 2 to 4 weeks apart.
The initial 3-treatment program is done once and after that one treatment about every 6 months is recommended.