Hycoox Injector | 韩国海库斯全自动负压水光机

Hycoox Injector | 韩国海库斯全自动负压水光机

hycoox injector
hycoox injector  HEBE赫铂皮肤管理卖假货

韩国Hycoox Injector海库斯水光仪器是最新,具有最尖端科学技术的医疗注射仪器。高颜值高科技感知负压自动注入系统,只要针头贴到皮肤上,即可自动注射的功能不需要按手动按键还是踩踏板,只要贴到皮肤上,负压和药物就会同时注入到皮肤里,从而大大降低了施术的时间。同时也提供踏板可做手动注射,喜欢手动注射的客户可以选择踩踏板手动注射。32G超细九针针头正确注射到适当的深度2mm,针头面积小,注射得更加均匀,鼻背等部位只要控制得当都不会漏药,可以进行精巧的注射。没有任何漏药,代表仪器拥有更精密性的功能可以灵活使用到水光注射,玻尿酸,肉毒,多种药水混合,减肥针等的注射当中。32G超细针头大大减少注射疼痛感。海库斯水光机可调节注射速度,可根据注射剂量调节每一下的注射量,压力感应自动注射系统,根据手术类型可设定并保存最佳注射参数,根据皮肤类型可调节负压强度,避免皮肤薄的客户因负压太大而导致红肿。





Hycoox Injector | 韩国海库斯全自动负压水光机
hycoox injector |海库斯水光机
Skinboosters before & after
Skinboosters before & after



① 感铭内 含腺苷酸 (动能素成分之一),谷光甘肽(白玉美白针主要成分),丝网技术铰链(韩国最新技术比双铰链技术更细腻的网状铰链,维持时间更久)一支比 任何一个产品兑VC+祛皱产品(如婴儿针orEGF)效果还要好,普通水光不管是多少量打进去的不如感铭的3毫升!

② 针头愈合力比其它任何一个产品快!含有 肉毒原成分 去皱&愈合功能突出!(同样的32G针头基础上)

③ NMC(纳米网眼铰链)补水能力和维持力比任何一个长!

④ 对改变肤色和改善肤色有极大的帮助。含有 谷胱甘肽 成分 ,用完三天后明显看到白一个度!

韩国感铭第四代水光 | glamour HA skin boosters
韩国感铭第四代水光 | glamour HA skin boosters

韩国感铭第四代水光 Glamour Skin boosters 打破老套想法的水光,从铰链方法开始铰链剂都是不一样的。NMC纳网铰链技术不仅提高了水光的效果,而且还添加了谷胱甘肽,腺苷酸和肽,三合一功效一次性解决补水,美白和去皱功能!是研究多年的技术根据皮肤的构造和要求定做的产品。全世界有上千种水光,从关节润滑剂到铰链水光到动能素,附加不相干的PDRN。这些产品都是因为没有效果而形成的产品。可见市场上的大多数产品都没有效果。那么从关节润滑剂开始慢慢分析水光,首先水光的打法是从关节润滑剂开始的,透明质酸是可以吸收很多水分,那么这种润滑剂深入到皮肤里会很快被人体吸收。可是透明质酸对于皮肤缺少的不是吸收而是维持。透明质酸的维持性跟不上就开始做以铰链的方式去提高维持率,这个方法是正确的选择。所谓的铰链在医药界这不是什么很陌生的技术。早在70~80年代德国最早开始使用该技术,但当时由于技术不成熟停了一段时间直到瑞典的一家公司稳定了市场。可是现在这类产品也很快被市场否认掉了, 就是因为没效果.那铰链没效果这些公司想到的方法就是提高浓稠度,可理解为双铰链。但是所谓的双铰链只是提高了浓稠度和铰链剂,在皮肤里有时会凹凸不平,类似于玻尿酸小分子。那么在看看动能素,其实动能素就是透明质酸兑了一些药品的在法国应该是做MTS的,因为对于欧美人她们的水光观念比亚洲低。PDRN当水光用更是荒唐,PDRN是鲑鱼的精巢里取出来的DNA跟人体细胞类似与95%以上,也就是说你打一百次PDRN你也补不了一次水!


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Skin Boosters HA injection before & after result | Injectable Skin Hydration

Skin Boosters HA injection before & after result | Injectable Skin Hydration

Glamour Hyaluronic Acid skinboosters collection can help to gradually improve your skin’s condition, increasing elasticity, reduce dark spots, lightening skin tone and reducing fine lines and imperfections. A refreshed look can be achieved with mesotherapy skinboosters treatment when using Glamour skin boosters.

Glamour HA Skinboosters

How Does It Work? How is it Different From Other skin booster?

Feel the difference in your skin within’ 15 days of Glamour skin boosters injection

If you are having aging skin, dryness, uneven skin tone and wrinkles problems, and wishing for skin with a smoothness and radiance looking, Glamour HA Skinboosters™ will make you feel great about your skin again.

After the first treatment, you will find that your skin will become smoother, more radiant, reduce wrinkles, and more elastic. The skin of your face, hands and neck can be improved.

After 3 to 5 treatments, you will feel a few years younger for your skin. If you keep having Glamour HA skin booster treatments every year, it could help to capture time and slow down the aging problems.

Glamour Skinboosters have been used by aesthetic physicians in Korea plastic surgery clinic and skin management shop.

  • The whole treatment are typically administered over the course of 3 sessions, once a month, after the first treatment, you will notice a huge difference for your skin.
  • Regular maintenance sessions (approximately every 3 months) occur as planned with your practitioner ensuring lasting results

The before/after photos shown below are the results of a 64 years old lady after one Glamour skin boosters injection treatment.
Within’ 15 days after the first mesotherapy treatment, skin appears to be more smooth, moisture, skin tone lighten and wrinkles  reduced.
The whole treatment starts with one or two syringes over the whole face, and inject once a month for 3 months in a roll.

skin boosters before and after
skin boosters before and after


Mesotherapy Aftercare is very important after skin boosters injection, glamour bio-cellulose repair mask and regeneration cream is necessary to use.

韩国感铭第四代水光 | glamour HA skin boosters
韩国感铭第四代水光 | glamour HA skin boosters



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