Hebe International skin care Unlicensed cosmetic injection that ruins victim’s face

Hebe International skin care Unlicensed cosmetic injection that ruins victim’s face

Latest updated: Hebe International has shut down their china company in Aug, 2020, they are facing a law suit by their franchisee due to franchise contract dispute. Hebe International skin care also got punishment by Shanghai regulation office due to price fraud. I share this information from the victim, since they can shut down their business easily due to one single law suit by the franchisee, need to be very careful to deal with them, now the victim is in a very bad situation because the company they filed law suit with has been shut down before the trail.
hebe international skin care center price fraud
hebe international skin care center price fraud punishment statement from Shanghai regulation office
hebe international skin care center law suit
hebe international skin care center suit by their franchisee due to franchise contract dispute
Zhao just start this bogus company in March 2019 and it got shut down in 2020. This is his so called “Korean skin care” company, all the stake holders are Chinese. Zhao then sign up for another company at Dec. 2019, and it’s already became abnormal operations status after a few months. This is a huge warning sign of fraud. A legalized company will not operate for only one year and start another company with no operating office.
hebe international skin care center
hebe international skin care center
hebe intl skincare center
hebe intl skincare center

hebe international skin care

All the information we posted here can be found on internet from other customers’ reviews, we actually contacted different victims who were cheated by Hebe International Skin care online and post their reviews for Hebe international skin care. We contacted the victim and had the victim’s permission to gather their reviews on Dianping to share their bad experiences.  We also gather reviews from victims who reported that they hired a korean man to pretend to be a korean docter to teach botox/filler injection training in Korea. However all these reviews can be found on dinping.com by real victims. This Hebe International Skin care is own by a Chinese named Zhao from Henan, China. This report is to share victim’s experiences that this company is in fact run by a Chinese and using the reputation of Korea Beauty industrial to promote their no-license medical cosmetic procedures that harms.

Hebe International Skin care practiced in cosmetic medical procedures which ruining the victim’s face.
hebe intl skin care center ruin my face
hebe international skin care center ruin my face
Hebe International skin care
clips from videos -hebe international skin care Zhao ruin client’s face with no license cosmetic injection

Zhao’s rent a shop which is not a clinic in Seoul, however they does botox/filler injection training in that place. He does injecting botox privately, even when he is not a docter himself and has no qualification for injecting cosmetic injectable. We have collected videos and pictures of Zhao and his partner Lee S Hoon who is injecting korean botox and teaching cosmetic injection. For those who are interested in the photos and videos, please email us privately. Due to the fact that they are not professional and have no license to train their franchisees, so they ruin some victim’s face. Please go to a medical spa and have the procedures done by a professional. To protect yourself, check their license first before getting any cosmetic procedures done.

hebe intl skincare SCAM zhaochao
No license botox injection perform by Zhao from Hebe International Skincare Center
hebe international skin care
hebe international skin care no license medical injection training

Hebe International skin care Zhao not only provided no license medical cosmetic training, he also produced products that impersonated other trademarks such as fake whitening pills.  In 2017, there are a lot of people on wechat and instagram starts to sell a product named Crystal Tomato pills, so where does this brand came from? Crystal Tomato is a famous brand from Singapore, they are made in USA and only sold in clinics in Singapore. The famous Chinese celebrity GiGi Lai also sells this brand in her clinic in Hong Kong. So Crystal Tomato is getting popular in China since then, and there are a lot of people trying to buy them in Singapore and asking Singapore sellers to delivery to China. Since this brand is very reputable and been selling in Singapore for over 5 years, so it attracts a variety of China copiers who wanna make high profits in unscrupulous ways, Zhao from mainland China Henam, who is one of them. He tries to misleading Chinese thinks that MDS tomato is Crystal Tomato. He claimed that he has got the distributing rights for Crystal Tomato, and using Crystal Tomato product picture and videos to advertise in his own wechat moments, and once when customer gets the product, its actually called MDS tomato. The package looks similar, he told the customer that this is the Korean version of Crystal Tomato, because the import tax is very low in Korea from USA, so they can sell 1/3 of the price compares to Crystal Tomato, by misleading customers to think they are the same product and made of the same company Gromark. This is crytsal tomato site: https://crystaltomato.com , this company has been selling Crystal Tomato for years in Singapore, has nothing to do with MDS tomato, the ones Zhao claimed that he own the distributing rights from Gromark.

Authentic crystal tomato
Authentic crystal tomato
Authentic crystal tomato
Authentic crystal tomato
hebe international skin care selling fake
hebe international skin care selling copies of crystal tomato whitening pills

They copied Crystal Tomato’s website, to make another fake website, by changing the name Crystal Tomato to MDS tomato, still using Crystal Tomato pictures and even the company name Gromark, to misleading customers that these are the same product. This is from a statement that is released by Gromark: https://crystaltomato.com/warning-notice-infringing-product-and-website/

These pills were claimed to have an effects that can be skin whitening. Most important, these pills are not FDA approval and not import properly to sell in these Hebe international skin care shops, they smuggling them to China to sell on wechat. However these pills are not FDA approval, not even CFDA approvals, they do not have any supplements licenses.

Statement in Chinese from Gromark about fake crystal tomato pills
hebe international skin care
hebe international skin care selling imitation Crystal Tomato


hebe international skin care sells fake
Hebe international skin care sells fake Crystal Tomato

Zhao is known of using such despicable tricks in this business, he used to produce fake Miracle Care set by spreading rumors of Miracle Care Authentic distributor.

He saw that the Miracle Care set became a big hit in the China market in Feb. 2018, then he starts to spread rumors on his wechat that Miracle Care is over priced, and the factory has release a new version of Miracle Care, which he knows the Chinese customers do not know this product very well because it is new, so he used Miracle Care customers review and advertisement pictures, and selling his one week production line of cheap price cosmetic that is sold in Gmarket. The so called “New Miracle Care Set” he was trying to misleading customers that they are the same products, they are not even from the same line, just randomly picking  4 bottles of cheap cosmetic and make it a new version of “Miracle Care set” to misleading customers that do not know much about the products.

Hebe international skin care produces counterfeit
Hebe international skin care produces counterfeit Miracle Care set


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