Skin Booster Mesh Cross linked hyaluronic acid filler Injection 3 in 1 Technology

Skin Booster Mesh Cross linked hyaluronic acid filler Injection 3 in 1 Technology

What are skin booster? What does skinbooster do to our skin? Most of the girls apply mask daily, yet along with expensive creams for their daily skincare routine, however there is one more secret behind the scene, and I promise this one is worthwhile. Behold – the booster. When we see Korean drama actress on TV, why are their skin soft like tofu, silky skin that looks extremely smooth, with even skin tone in perfection. What are their secrets?


korean actress skin care
korean actress skin care
4th generation of skin booster with whitening, anti-wrinkles and long lasting moisture effect
4th generation of skin booster with whitening, anti-wrinkles and long lasting moisture effect

5 syringes in a box, 3cc each syringe

Used before your serum, boosters are all about strengthening the barrier that sits on skin’s surface. Glamour skinbooster treatments create luminous skin in a natural way by gently and naturally smoothening the skin from the inside. It works by increasing the hydration within the skin to provide lasting moisture and improve the skin’s surface.

Thanks to the patented Mesh Cross-linking Technology, Glamour skinbooster achieved in creating a skin booster HA injection of 4 stage cross-link through creation of microbeads. This allows for a long-lasting skin booster to stay within’ the Dermis.

whitening skin booster
whitening skin booster

The four types of skin booster on the market nowdays:

1  Non Cross linking HA

This kind of HA usually use to inject in joint to smooth cartilage, doesn’t last.

joint filler
joint filler

2 Cross linked HA

Cross linked HA came with single cross linked technology, but is very thick so its hard to inject from a 31G 9 point needle from the injection machine. 

single cross linked skin booster
single cross linked skin booster

Double Cross linked HA

Double Cross linked HA skin booster effect twice higher than Cross linked HA, but the cost is very high. 

4 Mesh cross linked + Whitening + Anti-wrinkle 3 in 1 Skin Booster

Glamour’s Mesh Cross linking linked like a mesh in between hyaluronic acid, applies micro-beads with increase longevity.

Adding gluthione for whitening, and adding peptide for anti-wrinkle effects, with all these elements,  Glamour Skin Booster is unique on the market, this is the latest technology in the Korean skin booster market, without mixing injection all together like the old times, one Glamour syringe could be enough.

Mesh Cross linked hyaluronic acid filler

Mesh Cross linked hyaluronic acid filler

Glamour Skin Booster
Glamour Skin Booster
Skin Booster Glamour HA injection
Skin Booster Glamour HA injection

Most of the people who has tried Glamour skin booster are all surprised by the amazing result!

Glamour skin booster 感铭水光
Glamour skin booster 感铭水光
Skinbooster before & after
Skinbooster before & after

16,542 total views, 2 views today

D+Cell 350 TRA Cream | D Cell婴儿针再生霜

D+Cell 350 TRA Cream | D Cell婴儿针再生霜

组织再生促进剂(Tissue regeneration activator TRA)





D Cell 350 TRA 婴儿针再生霜
D Cell 350 TRA 婴儿针再生霜

D+Cell PDRN Regenerating Cream

D+Cell 350 TRA Cream | D Cell婴儿针再生霜

由于对组织再生状态有着持久的维持功能,与只有短暂效果的水光注射不同,鲑鱼注射有着持久的效果。不但有增加皮肤弹性,收缩毛孔的效果,同时也对伤口和疤痕迅速再生有很大的帮助。鉴于 DNA 鲑鱼注射的卓越的皮肤再生效果,与各种激光手术和角质祛除等施术同时进行,将会提高对其他施术的效果。鲑鱼注射不仅对于痘疤的祛除再生,皮肤弹力的增加,肤色的改善,小细纹的改善,白斑的改善有效果。对于施术后变得敏感的皮肤的镇静和更加快速地恢复也有帮助,同时,头皮施术后,对推迟脱发的发生也有帮助。不但可以直接注射在真皮层内,D+CELL的产品涂抹在皮肤表面也能够被吸收,所以比较怕疼的人也可以使用。产品无副作用,可以放心安全使用。

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D CELL 350 TRA PDRN 干细胞婴儿针 |韩国婴儿针 |海恩再生針

D CELL 350 TRA PDRN 干细胞婴儿针|韩国婴儿针|增进DNA合成|促进细胞再生 |促进毛囊再生



前几年水光针在韩国成为亚洲最热门的皮肤再生疗法,现在韩国美容界又研发了最新技PDRN婴儿针与透明质酸合二为一的一体产品海恩再生针,在当地也被称为海恩PDRN再生美塑或DNA再生疗法,最近这几年已成为韩国皮肤诊所,整形外科最热门的治疗方法之一。 这款将PDRN和透明质酸两者结合在一起的新技术,海恩PDRN再生美塑不但令皮肤逆齡恢复活力,减淡细纹和增加胶原蛋白,还可以有着水光美塑一样让皮肤变得水润光滑。这种把传统PDRN和水光合二为一的新技术,让广大爱美者的皮肤可以得到多方面的改善。


韩国皮肤科和整形外科经常进行施术的鲑鱼注射是什么? 鲑鱼注射是从富含与人类的碱基组成一致的鲑鱼DNA成分中,提取帮助皮肤组织再生的 PDRN 物质,为受损伤的皮肤,增强胶原蛋白和非胶原蛋白性蛋白质的分泌功能,促进伤口的均匀愈合,改善疤痕以及改善肤色。首先,它具有良好的美白功能,其次,在毛孔收缩方面也有出色的效果。利用鲑鱼的 DNA成分进行的皮肤管理施术,就像鲑鱼在水中逆流而上一样,可以找回年轻而富有弹性的肌 肤,所以被称为鲑鱼注射或是 DNA注射。由于对组织再生状态有着持久的维持功能,与只有短暂效果的水光注射不同,鲑鱼注射有着持久的效果。不但有增加皮肤弹性,收缩毛孔的效果,同时也对伤口和疤痕迅速再生有很大的帮助。鉴于 DNA 鲑鱼注射的卓越的皮肤再生效果,与各种激光手术和角质祛除等施术同时进行,将会提高对其他施术的效果。鲑鱼注射不仅对于痘疤的祛除再生,皮肤弹力的增加,肤色的改善,小细纹的改善,白斑的改善有效果。对于施术后变得敏感的皮肤的镇静和更加快速地恢复也有帮助,同时,头皮施术后,对推迟脱发的发生也有帮助。不但可以直接注射在真皮层内,HP Nucleo Vital的产品涂抹在皮肤表面也能够被吸收,所以比较怕疼的人也可以使用。产品无副作用,可以放心安全使用。 鲑鱼注射对从10几岁到6~70几岁的多个年龄层的人们,根据不同的皮肤管理利用程度,都多种多样的效果。没有疼痛感和副作用,也没有恢复等待时间。作为一种简单的注射施术,在韩国皮肤科和整形外科中,为敏感和红肿皮肤的快速镇静,常常通过激光施术把微细的毛孔打通,将治疗溶液浸透到皮肤的方式进行。在医院,常建议和激光施术或整形手术同时施术的原因是,施术过程中,对皮肤的刺激非常小,不仅会很迅速地显现出良好的施术效果,更能够获得意想不到的附加效果。另外,如果不进行激光治疗,运用 AMTS管理施术进行鲑鱼注射治疗溶液的注射,也会有值得期待的明显效果。 一般在韩国进行施术的鲑鱼注射的价格是大约一次15万元~25万元之间,根据医院的不同和施术的不同,会有少许差异,但是与宝贝注射相比,是比较实惠的。对于有青春痘,疤痕,伤口的患者,是一个很好的选择。

PDRN 婴儿针疗程效果
PDRN Injection 婴儿针疗程效果


D+CELL 350 TRA已經更新換代成HP Nucleo Vital海恩,海恩再生針是将萎缩或者损伤的组织再生,恢复至正常状态,促进构成组织的细胞生长,分泌构成组织的各种物质,同时有促进分泌的特征。而 PDRN 拥有 TRA 拥有的所有特征。PDRN 作为组织再生催化剂,不仅是皮肤细胞的 Fibroblast,骨细胞 Osreoblast, 软骨细胞Chondrocyle,促进脂肪由来干细等人体各种组织细胞的生长, 促进分泌构成组织的物质,促进胶原蛋白及非胶原蛋白性蛋白质的均匀分泌,使损伤的组织再生为正常的组织。 PDRN再生原理 PDRN再生原理[1] 细胞再生及促进细胞再生的成分,对皮肤再生效果非常突出。是一种医药成分,非常安全! 敏感皮肤也可安心使用! 真皮组织再生组织(TRA) – 真皮内 Fibroblast的数量增加 – 促进Fibroblast的皮肤组成蛋白质的分泌 – 不会因 Feed back 作用而引起过度增生,提供无疤痕的治疗伤口 – 抗炎症,抗副作用,有助于改善浮肿 持久保持组织再生状态,促进 DNA 合成,防止细胞老化,受损细胞再生

***Mechanism of action*** ·仅存在于细胞内的A Purine水溶体里选择性作用,促进成长因子分泌 ·因VEGF生成毛细血管,改善血液循环(供给营养物质及排泄老化物) ·抗炎症作用及防止毛细血管漏出 ·DNAase ·为促进合成DNA,促进细胞生长作用 ·促进Fibroblast分泌及组织再生作用

Dcell PDRN treatment

HP Nucleo Vital

D+Cell 350 TRA PDRN婴儿针电动微针操作过程
D+Cell 350 TRA PDRN婴儿针电动微针操作过程
D+Cell 350 TRA PDRN婴儿针电动微针操作过程
D+Cell 350 TRA PDRN婴儿针电动微针操作过程

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Korean PDRN injection HP Nucleo Vital DNA injection that repairs and stimulating tissues and skin

When Derma Shine injection became one of the hottest skin treatment in China nowdays, the Korean PDRN injection also known as HP Nucleo Vital, DNA injection, or PDRN regeneration injection is already became the hottest treatment in the Korean plastic surgery clinics. PDRN the baby skin injection is a skin healing treatment that was popular last two years. Today, HP Nucleo Vital combines 2000 ppm of PDRN and 5000 ppm of Hyaluric Acid, has taken over the role of PDRN products. Combine one Glamour skinboosters syringe with one bottle of HP Nucleo Vital to reach the best result you want.

pdrn injection
pdrn injection


PDRN mesotherapy
Buy HP Nucleo Vital PDRN online

What is PDRN injection?

Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) contains deoxyribonucleotide polymers where 50 to 2000 base pairs are combined in a chain, is known to accelerate cell proliferation by activating A2 subtype purinergic receptor and salvage pathway. PDRN contains salmon DNA which helps the regeneration of skin and tissue,  it could also be used for clinical treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.  Since it helps the skin regeneration, it could be use after laser treatment. PDRN was indicated for tissue repair and treatment of wound in skin graft in 2008 by KFDA. PDRN was first approved for clinical use in Italy as a tissue repair stimulating agent.


PDRN injection PDRN injection

Herre is the result of the PDRN treatment:

PDRN injection treatment result
PDRN injection treatment result

HP Nucleo Vital PDRN Injection is the PDRN dermal care product for the professional use. As well, HP Nucleo Vital PDRN Injection is optimized for various skin care and treatment processes, and furthermore the efficacy and safety were approved through clinical studies by dermatological experts. HP Nucleo Vital PDRN Injection™  improves skin rejuvenation and elasticity of the skin through stimulating fibroblast and collagen substances by promoting the secretion of various cell growth factors such as FGF, EGF and IGF.

One vial contains 1% of PDRNⓇ

Contents & packing unit
2.2ml / vial, 5vial / pack

Topical application, can be combined with the most advanced technologies : electrodraining, RF needle, Fractionated Pulsed light and electrophoroporation.

1. Regeneration : Skin rejuvenation, improve elasticity, wrinkles and fine lines.
2. Scar treatment: Normal scar, Acne scar and Stretch mark.
3. Scalp care: Hair growth / Improve the engraftment rate after hair implant.

The MTS Operating process:

D+Cell 350 TRA PDRN MTS procedure process
PDRN procedure process
D+Cell 350 TRA PDRN MTS procedure process
HP Nucleo Vital PDRN  MTS procedure process
hp nucleo vital pdrn injection
hp nucleo vital pdrn injection

There is another way to use the HP Nucleo Vital PDRN, which is mixed with the skin boosters injection Hyaluronic acid, and use the Ice Shot Injector to inject into the dermis layer of the skin. Here is how I mix it, first of all you pump the HP Nuclep Vital PDRN Injection into a syringe, and use a mix tube to mix it with Glamour hyaluronic acid skinboosters, after it is all done you can put the syringe onto the Ice Shot Injection machine and start!

If you have any problems or question for the procedures, please feel free to send us an email.

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