The Benefits of the ASCE+ Exosome Skin care therapy

Human cells consist of various components, including protein, chromosomes, multiple nutrients, water, and many more. The organelle is the term to refer to all the ingredients of a human cell. At times, organelles create tiny sacs that get detached from the cells. Other cells requiring the nutrients collect those sacs. Exosome Skin care become a popular trend in year 2021.

The exosome is the professional term of these sacs released by healthy human cells. The exosomes consist of various vital ingredients such as RNA, DNA, proteins, different nutrients, etc. The weak recipient cells get healed automatically after taking the exosomes.

ASCE Exosome Skincare Therapy

Releasing exosomes is a natural practice for the healthy cells of our body. According to scientists, healthy cells release them to regenerate and rejuvenate the weak or damaged cells. However, the number of healthy cells comes down drastically after 40-45 years of age.

When there are more exosome receivers than providers, many cells start getting damaged permanently. As a result, signs of ageing occur. Exosome skincare therapy provides exosomes from an external source. Damaged skin cells collect them, and the regeneration process gets started. The treatment helps to deal with various signs of premature aging.

The Benefits of Exosome Skincare Therapy

asce exosome derma signal kit
asce exosome derma signal kit

The exosome dermal signal kit comes with many benefits. In the following section, you can find those benefits.

1. Natural Skin Cell Regeneration

Exosome skin treatment stimulates a natural skin regeneration process, as it sends exosomes through the skin pores. Damaged skin cells collect them and become healthy. The process does not have any harmful impact on the body. Nevertheless, it does not have any effect on natural body functions.

2. Skin Brightness and Hydration

Exosome therapy helps in skin brightness and hydration. The treatment can treat sunburns, scars, and other skin damages. At the same time, the overall brightness of the skin increases. Skin texture becomes smooth as it gets hydrated due to the therapy.

3. Prevents Premature Ageing

For the prevention of skin wrinkles, people try different kinds of demagogical products and topical creams. However, most of them cannot fetch the desired result. Using ASCE Derma Signal Kit SRLV-S is better than using anti-aging creams. Using needling technology, the health experts will apply the ASCE Derma Signal Kit on your skin. When the solution gets absorbed by the skin, damaged cells will receive the exosomes, and the rejuvenation process will start.

4. No Surgeries

For skin rejuvenation, many people undergo cosmetic surgery. Through such surgeries, skin wrinkles, scars, and other skin-related problems can get resolved. But, surgery is not suitable for everyone. Moreover, it is costly too. Exosome skin treatment is a non-surgical process, and anyone can undergo such therapy. The cost of the treatment is affordable for everyone.


What to Expect after the Therapy?

After the therapy, people do not need to take leaves from the workplace. There is no downtime, and thus people can immediately go back to their regular life after the treatment. The therapy stimulates collagen production of the body, and the effect can last up to 18-24 months. A person can undergo the treatment multiple times, as there is no risk of side effects.

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PDRN美塑是由称为聚脱氧核糖核苷酸(PDRN)的生物分子组成的复原皮肤治疗。 PDRN分子是由13个或更多个脱氧核糖核苷酸单体组成的聚合物。核苷酸是在DNARNA中发现的单体结构单元,脱氧核糖核苷酸是由脱氧核糖糖类构建的核苷酸。从鲑鱼的睾丸中获得DNA提取物,然后片提炼转化成PDRN



PDRN在整个治疗期间产生显着的组织改善和一致性。由于PDRN具有促进皮肤移植后恢复的特殊能力,PDRN2008年获得批准的PDRN后首次在意大利用作组织修复化合物。 PDRN可以用于美塑疗法,因为它可以刺激皮肤细胞的代谢活动以再生胶原蛋白,葡糖胺聚糖和糖蛋白。 PDRN通过促进抗增殖和增加成纤维细胞生长速度刺激伤口恢复。这意味着PDRN可以唤醒疲惫的老年细胞,使其更年轻,并重新开始工作。 PDRN美塑使皮肤弹性,质地和水合作用显着改善。 PDRN也被称为韩国婴儿针,已通过皮肤科诊所证明其有效且安全,可用于细胞生长和组织再生。



前几年水光美塑发展在韩国并成为亚洲最热门的皮肤再生疗法,现在韩国美容界又研发了最新技PDRN美塑,在当地也被称为海恩PDRN再生美塑或DNA再生疗法,最近这几年已成为韩国皮肤诊所,整形外科最热门的治疗方法之一。 这款将PDRN和透明质酸两者结合在一起的新技术,海恩PDRN再生美塑不但令皮肤逆齡恢复活力,减淡细纹和增加胶原蛋白,还可以有着水光美塑一样让皮肤变得水润光滑。这种把传统PDRN和水光合二为一的新技术,让广大爱美者的皮肤可以得到多方面的改善。

PDRN injection


透明质酸是我们身体的一部分,严格来说,应称其为“增湿剂”更确切。表皮是皮肤最外层的保护屏障,通常其含水量为20%35%。 伴随着衰老,透明质酸在皮肤中的含量也随之减少,从而出现皮肤细纹,失去弹性。通过导入和涂抹适量的透明质酸,可以增强皮肤弹性、保持水润,恢复年轻。透明质酸除了对正常的皮肤具有保湿作用外,对创伤的皮肤还具有促进愈合的修复作用。透明质酸能够吸收和储存1000倍于透明质酸重量的水分在皮肤中。 由于透明质酸的高保湿和水化性能,可通过旷大胞间空隙,促进修复细胞的移动,促进和维持伤口周围皮肤水环境的恒定,激活皮肤屏障自我修复能力。透明质酸,是目前最好的保湿成份。市面上绝大多数具有保湿功能的护肤品中,主要成份就是它。


PDRN刺激并增加皮肤中称为成纤维细胞的细胞的代谢活性,从而再生皮肤的关键组分如胶原蛋白,糖胺聚糖和糖蛋白。 PDRN激活疲惫的老年和受损细胞,使其更年轻,并重新开始工作。它也可以机械地作为细胞和细胞外基质的支架生长 – 它们具有三维结构,其中成纤维细胞可用于产生其再生作用。此外,它还为DNA合成提供了构建模块。 通过补救途径,多核苷酸被身体的过程分解为嘌呤和嘧啶,然后再循环到新的DNA中。多聚脱氧核糖核苷酸(PDRN)含有50-2000个碱基对组合在链中的脱氧核糖核苷酸聚合物,已知通过激活A2亚型嘌呤能受体和补救途径来加速细胞增殖。 PDRN有助于皮肤和组织的再生,它也可用于糖尿病足溃疡的临床治疗。 由于它有助于皮肤再生,它可以在激光治疗后使用。 韩国药监局KFDA2008年通过PDRN用于组织修复和皮肤移植创伤的治疗。 PDRN之前已经被批准在意大利临床使用,作为组织修复刺激剂。





皮肤修复 – 改善皮肤屏障功能

皮肤正常化 – 皮肤增厚







hp nuclei vital pdrn
hp nuclei vital pdrn


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