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经过几天不断的学习和练习,学员们通过考核获得Channel整形医院颁发的微整形培训Beauty Specialist结业证,Certificate of Completion. 学员们跟教授合影留念,大家一起来个团体大合照,学员们通过这几天的培训,大家都成为了朋友,虽然明天就回国各奔前程了,大家以后有需要还是会互相帮助的。学员们互相都很不舍,最后吃顿韩式传统定食来个欢送宴,结束愉快的济州岛培训之旅。下午的时候学员还可以去免税购物,给亲友带各种韩国特色的时装,化妆品以及传统小食。
Korean Semi-permanent makeup classs | Korea semi-permanent makeup training course | semi permanent make up lesson
What is the Korean semi-permanent makeup?
Korean semi-permanent makeup is a newly developed type of makeup, its efficacy and safety have been verified. The pigment use during the Korean semi-permanent makeup process, which are approved by the US FDA. Since most of the coloring materials are extracted from natural raw materials, it doesn’t cost any complication or adverse reactions. It usually takes twice to finish the semi-permanent makeup.
Semi-permanent makeup which is different than tattooing, the color usually fade out naturally after one to two years. After a year of two, you can retouch with the natural pigments again. The idea of Korea Semi Permanent make up is to filled into your skin with the natural pigments from plants, it is also refer to the term “micro pigment implantation”. It is different than regular make up, it doesn’t easily be wiped by water or sweats because the natural pigment colors are implanted into the epidermis layer of the skin.
Korean Semi-Permanent Makeup PigmentsKorean Semi-Permanent Makeup Machine
This method is a new concept designed for those who are had allergies to make up or women who doesn’t have time for make up. As well as those who had scars on their faces, semi-permanent makeup also covers unwanted scars. Korea Semi Permanent Makeup makes a great sensation in the world.
In addition to the significant advantages of the semi-permanent make up, it also covers inappropriate tattoos with natural pigments. It will last about one to two years, and it fades out due to metabolism of the skin cells, dead cells shedding off as well as the color fades along with, so it is 100% safe.
Korean Semi-Permanent makeup is divided into four categories, eyebrow, eyeliner, lip and hair line. Compares to the trandctional semi-permanent makeup, the Korean style seems to look more natural like you are born with it, and the style is more suitable for Asian people, since K-pop has become a big hit in Asia now days, especially the Korean style of make up and fashion style, Korean semi-permanent makeup also suits K-pop style well as any other style. It makes women look more gentle and beautiful.
Korean Semi-Permanent makeup Eyebrow
Korean Semi-Permanent makeup eyebrow is different than the old style eyebrow tattooing, the tattooing way is using the needles to tattoo into the skin, it hurts and the color turns blue or color changes after a few years. Korean Semi-Permanent makeup is processed with special machine and FDA approved natural pigments, you won’t feel any pain at all during the whole process. Since tattooing is injected into the deeper layer of the skin, once the color changes, you need to use laser to remove the bad colors, and for people who go for Korean Semi-Permanent makeup, they don’t need to worry about color changes since the natural pigments were injected into the top layer of the skin, the color will automatic fades out after two years and color doesn’t change, it will only goes lighter and slowly fades.
Korean Semi-Permanent makeup Eye line
Korean Semi-Permanent makeup eye line is suitable for women who are not very good at using eyeliners, it also suitable for women with less eyelashes. After having the semi-permanent eye liner, you don’t need to worry about melting off your make up or going under the water with makeup. It will also makes your eyes look bigger and more charming, that’s why Semi-Permanent make up became a bit hit in Korea for celebrities and young women.