Tok Stick 18K Gold plated microneedles

We all heard of microneedling, most of the microneeding in the market is either dermal rollers or MTS machine, is a dermaroller procedure that uses small needles to prick the skin. It helps to reduce pores, to generate new collagen and skin tissue for smoother, firmer, more toned skin. It also treats those looking to reduce the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks.  Tok Stick is not just needles that pricks the skin, it has a V-grrove on the middle of each needle and it helps ampoule to delivery from Tok Stick to 0.25MM under your skin.

tok stick microneedling
tok stick microneedling

Tok stick is an effective ampoule delivery system is available with the groove of straight V-shaped line(V-groove)on the middle of each needle. V-groove is used as the path to deliver ampoules (cosmetics, solutions), and it delivery the ingredients direct into skin dermis just like mesotherapy, but you won’t feel any pain during the process since the needle is thiner than hair. Tok Stick uses needles(34G, 0.18mm), which is thinner than 1/3 of a strand of hair(22G, 0.6mm), so you don’t need any numbing cream before you use it, and there is no blood during micro needling process.

tok stick
tok stick
tok stick MTS
tok stick MTS

Moreover, you can use Tokstick as a home care skinboosters treatment. You can put HP Nucleo Vital PDRN in the device, and the PDRN ampoules flow as following V-groove of each needle, and it prevents from the loss of ampoules when delivering from the device to the dermis of skin. It is so much more effective than the regular micro needling system such as rollers or MTS machine. There are 49 needles in total, first put the ampoule into the device, and you stamp Tok stick on your face and the skin boosters will be injected into your skin with these micro needles. Since it is thiner than your hair, you won’t feel pain, you don’t need to put numbing cream before using it. Most important, there is no blood, simply put Glamour Bio-Cellulose regeneration mask on your face after using it. Tok Stick is reuse-able, please use alcohol for disinfection every-time after you use it and before using it again next time.

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glamour skinboosters treatment before after
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Tok Stick 18K gold plated micro needling

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