What is photodynamic therapy for acne?

PDT photodynamic therapy for acne is a treatment method that makes use of a drug, known as photosensitizing agent or photosensitizer, and a special kind of light. Whenever photosensitizer are revealed to a particular wavelength of light, they create a type of oxygen that kills neighbouring cells. Each photosensitizer is triggered by light of a particular wavelength. This wavelength decides the distance of the light travelling within the body. Therefore, doctors make use of particular wavelengths and photosensitizers of lights to treat various parts of the body with PDT photodynamic therapy.

PDT gel photodynamic therapy
PDT gel photodynamic therapy

What sources of light are accessible, and how are they used?

The light sources for PDT includes light-emitting diodes (LEDs), intense pulsed light, laser light, red light, blue light and several other visible lights (consisting of natural sunlight). Photosensitizer medicines may become triggered by one or more than one kind of light. The optimal source of light based on the perfect wavelength for the specific drug employed as well as target tissues.

The source of light requires being applied directly to the aimed tissues for a suitable amount of time. For surface procedures, the light is applied directly to the part of the skin where the photosensitizer medicine has been used (like arms, scalp, face etc.) for inside cancers, supplying the light to the needed area is more difficult. The light may be supplied via small fiber-optic wires within the body cavity or body part being treated. At times, endoscopes ( an elongated, lighted and thin tube that is placed within the body) are employed to supply the light into the  bladder, stomach, or lungs.

What kinds of cancer are presently treated with PDT?

By now, the FDA has permitted the photosensitizing component known as the Photofrin or porfimer sodium for use in PDT photodynamic therapy for treatment or ease the signs of non-small cell lung cancer and esophageal. Porfimer sodium is permitted to ease the signs of  esophageal cancer whenever the cancer blocks the esophagus or whenever the cancer can’t be suitably treated just by laser therapy. Porfimer sodium is employed to for the treatment of non-small cell-lung cancer in people for whom the normal procedure are not suitable, and to ease signs in patients who are suffering from non-small cell-lung cancer that blocks the airways. In the year of 2003, the FDA permitted porfimer sodium to treat precancerous lesions in people who have Barrett esophagus, a medical condition that can cause esophageal cancer.

Are there any side effects or complications of PDT?

Porfimer sodium helps to make the eyes and skin susceptible to light for about six weeks after the procedure. Therefore, patients are suggested to ignore the bright indoor light and direct sunlight for minimum of six weeks. Photosensitizers have a tendency to develop in tumors and the triggering light is aimed on the tumor. Consequently, there is a less chance to harm to healthy tissue. But, PDT photodynamic therapy can lead to scarring, pain, swelling, and burns in surrounding healthy tissue. Some other side effects are associated to the body part that is already treated. They can comprise shortness of breath, painful breathing, stomach pain, trouble swallowing, coughing etc.

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PDT photodynamic therapy用于光动力治疗的PDT焕肤祛痘疗法

PDT焕肤是一种无副作用的光敏剂,配合使用欧米茄LED光源治疗痤疮,它被称为PDT光动力祛痘疗法。 比起传统ALA成分的光敏剂产品,这是PDT痤疮治疗的新概念,利用皮肤蛋白质组分色氨酸杀死细菌并释放副产物氨基酸。 没有灼伤,没有疼痛,没有晒黑,没有副作用! 现在您可以体验PDT焕肤有效治疗痤疮。除了脸部以外,PDT焕肤也可以用在后背,不需要繁琐的MTS电动微针导入,不需要调和产品消耗大量时间,只需要涂抹上皮肤后配合LED光源就可以治疗。脸部或身体,只要有痤疮部位面积将不再麻烦,治疗更为快捷与方便!




什么是PDT Acne treatment光动力疗法?

光动力疗法(PDT),有时称为光化学疗法,是一种涉及光和光敏剂的光疗法。 PDT已被证明能够杀死微生物细胞,包括细菌,真菌和病毒。 PDT焕肤广泛用于治疗痤疮。 这种治疗特别适用于对其他治疗无反应的严重痤疮病例。 光动力治疗(PDT)对于其他皮肤病症,如晒伤皮肤,癌前期细胞和皮肤感染也有作用。 PDT焕肤光动力疗法还可以减少皮肤上产油腺体的大小和活性,称为皮脂腺。 这些腺体的过度活跃和炎症都会令痤疮更为严重。比起非发炎中的痤疮,PDT焕肤往往对于炎症痤疮更为有效果


5-氨基酮戊酸(ALA),本品是一种内源性的生化物质经ALA脱水酶及一系列酶促作用,生成具有强光敏作用的原卟啉Ⅸ(PPⅨ)。PPⅨ的合成速度取决于本品拾 成速度,而本品又受游离血红蛋白浓度的反馈调节,外源性的本品可绕过反馈抑制系统,使细胞合成聚起足量的PPⅨ。用420~640nm光辐射含有PPⅨ的痤疮,在能量转移过程中产生单态氧(-O2),这种态氧达到一定浓度时可以引发细胞死亡(光毒性)。


新概念PDT GEL核黄素与色氨酸治疗原理

PDT photodynamic therapy中,photosensitizer光敏剂是重要的








  • 杀死皮肤上的致痤疮细菌
  • 操作更为方便简单,无需调和产品无需电动微针
  • 只影响目标细胞,有助于维持皮肤的完整性
  • 减少皮脂腺的大小和活动
  • 帮助淡化老痤疮疤痕
  • 不会造成疤痕
  • 治疗可能与痤疮同时发生的其他皮肤病症,如老年斑和红斑痤疮
  • 如果需要,可以和药物一起使用,但异维A酸(维甲酸)

PDT焕肤光动力疗法的另一个重要好处是它不涉及使用抗生素或口服类维生素A,如维甲酸。 这使PDT焕肤成为不能服用这些药物的人的可行治疗方法。













PDT焕肤光动力祛痘通常3到5次为一个疗程,取决于每个患者的皮肤状态。 每次治疗间隔为一周,但可以根据患者的皮肤状况作调整。 进行PDT焕肤的时候也可以与其他治疗同时进行。



1. 当天可洗脸或者轻度化妆

2. 使用当天晚上请温和清洁脸部避免刺激皮肤

3. 光动力治疗期间请尽量隔离紫外线,做好防晒工作

4. 使用后2-3天内请不要进行桑拿,剧烈运动等让身体发热的活动


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